Pharma Summit 2025


Before submitting your abstract, you are required to select the main category of the session, where you would like to present your paper.


Once, you select the category of the presentation then you would need to prepare an abstract according to the provided format, on the right side.


Finally, you can submit your abstract either through an email attachment or by filling out the abstract submission form.


Abstracts should be no longer than one A4 page in portrait layout.

The title of the abstract should be as concise as possible and should appear in bold, sentence cased and centered

Co-authors and affiliations below the title should be in Italics (the main author’s name should be underlined, and the name of the presenting author should be marked with an asterisk (*).

The abstract must be written in the most preferable language, i.e. English, and content should have a maximum character of 300 words.

The main body of the abstract should be in Times New Roman, Font size 12, Justified, Line spacing 1.5.

References, denoted by superscript numbers in the text should be listed at the end of the text using standard Chemical Abstracts Source Service Index terminology followed by YEAR, VOLUME, and PAGE.

The use of figures, graphs, and schemes is recommended where this aids the understanding of the text.

Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word or PDF format, either via email attachment to conference email with the subject line ‘conference name abstract’ or online submission method via the conference website.

Please include the full details of the main author and the presenting author in the email and indicate whether you are submitting an Oral or a Poster Presentation.

Note: There is a 1 MB limit for online abstract submission if you’re abstract is larger than 1 MB, and then you are recommended to send it via email as an attachment.

The title of the abstract should be as concise as possible and should appear in bold, sentence cased and centered

After completion of the conference, speakers could submit their full-length papers to any of our related journals and they will be published within 2 months of the time period with additional charges.

A confirmation mail will be sent in regards & receiving your abstract, and if the submitter does not receive any mail within the next 24 Hrs, he/she is suggested to contact the respective conference coordinator, manager, or ambassador.

We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic, hence any act of plagiarism is totally unaccepted, and academic misconduct will not be tolerated.



Suited for research conducted in academic disciplines. Check a sample abstract for this option here. Abstracts submitted under the first option should contain concise statements of:

Backgrounds: Indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested, or a description of the problem being analyzed or evaluated.

Methods: Describe (the study period/ setting/location, study design, study population, data collection, and methods of analysis used.

Results: Present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings/outcome of the study. Please summarize any specific results.

Conclusions: Explain the significance of your findings/outcomes of the study of drug, treatment, care and/or support, and Future Implications of the results.

The following review criteria will be used in scrolling abstracts submitted under OPTION 1:

Is there a clear background and justified objective?

Is the methodology/study design appropriate for the objectives?

Are the conclusions supported by the results?

Is the study original, and does it contribute to the field?


The conference is soliciting literature review, survey, business case study and research papers and comments including, whilst not limited to, the following areas of interest:

Suited for research conducted in all disciplines. Check a sample abstract for this option here. Abstracts submitted under the first option should contain concise statements of:

Backgrounds: Summarize the purpose, scope, and objectives, of the program, project, or policy.

Methods: Describe the programme, project, or policy period/setting/location, the structure, key population (if applicable), activities and interventions that were undertaken in support of the programme, project, or policy.

Lessons Learned: Present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the methods/findings/outcomes of the programme, project or policy; include analytic approaches, evaluation of lessons learned, and best practices with a succinct description of the methods used, in addition, please summarize any specific results that specifically support your conclusions of lessons learned and best practices.

Conclusions: These results suggest new research directions and the development of more effective technologies in pharma , leading to better patient outcomes

An invitation-only event to those that meet summit qualifications; selection of decision makers according to criteria such as scope of responsibility, research projects and buying power with active budgets.

The summit concludes with time for further online networking and exchanging of contact information.

All submitted abstracts will go through a peer-review process carried out by a peer review committee. After the successful review of your abstract, we will guide you further in steps towards your presence at our event.
Submission Deadlines

July 15th, 2024

July 15th, 2024 – October 15th, 2024
October 16th, 2024 – January 15th, 2025
January 16th, 2025 – April 30th, 2025

June 10th, 2025

Download Format
For Speakers

Keep the number of slides to a minimum and follow the assigned presentation slots. Please stop when signaled to do so by the Chair.

Users of Windows/PC should assure compatibility of their presentation with the MAC system used at the lectern.

Personal laptops should not be used unless under unavoidable conditions.

No videos will be recorded.

Question periods, thanks and acknowledgement of the speakers will take place during the session or after completion of the session, so please stay until the session ends.

Basic presentation requirements

Presentation format: PPT.doc or PPT.docx.

MAC-compatible presentation.

Please take steps to compress any videos.

Each slide should be concise, uncluttered and readable from a distance; include only key words and phrases for visual reinforcement. Avoid lengthy text.

AV Set up

Basic AV setup will be provided: laser pointer, cordless mike, desktop mike, basic sound system.

If you have any audio/video to be played, they should be checked in with the AV team 24 hours before your presentation.

Upload your presentation at least 3 days before traveling to the conference venue.

Go to the presentation upload site and upload your presentation slides.

Use the email address you provided when submitting your abstract. Once logged in, follow the instructions on the screen.

You can also email the presentation to the designated conference email ID.

All presentations will be downloaded to your session room on the day of your presentation.

The presentations will be loaded prior to your session with the name “first name_last name and date / session”.

OR upload your presentation at the registration desk:

It is recommended to upload your presentation 3 days before the conference start date. If you are unable to send it, you can always upload your presentation (save the presentation on a USB Flash drive) at the lectern during the break preceding your scheduled presentation. The USB Flash drive will be scanned before transferring the presentation to the presentation folder.

Once you have completed your presentation it will be permanently removed. (Optionally it may be selected for the presentation library maintained by organization.)

Considerations for PC Users [create on PC then move to Mac]

Appropriate extension usage: use .PPTX, .PPSX if saving from PowerPoint 2007/2008/2010/2011 format or use .PPT or .PPS if saving to an earlier-version format or saving from an earlier version.

Copy the media file to the folder where the PowerPoint file is, and only then insert it; otherwise links to most media files will break.

AVI or MPEG are better choice files for videos or sounds; don’t use WMV (Windows Media Player).

Usage of fonts: Arial, Times New Roman, Courier and Symbol are best presented on MACS.

Don’t squeeze your text into placeholders: Text rendering on PC vs MAC (font substitution) can cause your squeezed text to get cut off by text boxes.

Poster Guidelines

The poster session gives an opportunity to interact with senior faculty and share your ideas and get the suggestions in return which make this session an interactive and encouraging bit for the young researchers.

Guaranteed dimensions: 1 meter x 1 meter

Note:The poster boards or the area designed for the sessions limits the dimension of the posters to the mentioned numbers. Meticulous checking is required in all posters for typographic and grammatical mistakes and image (usage of color) quality.

Submission Guidelines

Proof your abstract before submitting it!

Authors name and affiliation should be in English

Check your abstract length.

Check the spelling of everyone’s name.

Make edits before starting the process.

Abstract Information

Conference reserves the right to reject or alter abstracts based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

Abstracts do not comply with style guidelines; including excessive length (contributed abstract body text is limited to approximately 250-300 words)

Abstracts contain inappropriate content

Abstracts fall outside of the topical scope of the meeting